Never have I ever related so much to a character. Okay, her background is TOTALLY different, but her general outlook is so exactly the same. Her choices are so similar and the reasoning for choosing them are so similar. It was crazy.
The rest of the characters were great in their own way as well. I loved the inclusion of love interests but that it wasn't the basis of the story and the lack of love triangle. The love interests weren't unnecessarily complicated. The family and their dynamic was interesting. The roommate was fun. The point on which the plot was based wasn't obvious in the beginning but made good sense as the story went on. I really have no complaints about this book at all.
Anyone who has even been a fangirl (or fanboy) can really relate to this book, too. I've never written fanfic, but I've spent more time than I should wondering what it would be like to live in the worlds that authors create for us, especially those in science fiction and fantasy. I have several fandoms and I totally get where our protagonist is coming from in both her devotion to her fandom and her feelings about talking to people in person about them. I did also appreciate that Rowell created her own fandom for her characters to love rather than use an existing one. It makes the experience the core of the story and doesn't let which fandom the reader is part of interfere with your enjoyment of it.
The book is mostly narrated by Rebecca Lowman, who is great. She's done lots of other books and appears to be Rowell's go-to. Click here for her AudioFile Magazine Spotlight.
This book sits right outside of YA territory. It's a great read for those who do enjoy that genre, as well as anyone who enjoys a more mature protagonist, and even those who normally read the more adult novels. Our protagonist deals with more in life than a typical YA and I think most adults can relate to some of her struggles, or at least fondly remember that freshman year of college as she blunders through it.